Thursday, August 30, 2012

Farts and Desitny

There comes a time in every relationship where bodily functions intercede romance, and this touching story from Hahasforhoohas describes just that. I thought I'd share:

The Fart that (Almost) Altered my Destiny 

"Like everything in life, farts have a time and place. However, I never realized that in the wrong time and place, flatulence had enough power to alter my course in history. Well, it can if it's the third date with the man of your dreams. And, if it makes his eyes burn. If God destined us to be together, I was one SBD away from foiling His plans (that's "Silent But Deadly" for you prudes).
It was about five years ago. I was trying to lose a few pounds so I was staying away from carbs. That's when I met my husband, Rob. On our first date, he booked the next two. He liked me. I liked him. Things were looking real good.
He picked me up in a Cobra Mustang, and this pathetic attempt to win me over with a car totally worked. I'm not shallow, but since I spent most of my twenties picking men up because I didn't want my hair to frizz in their non-air conditioned jalopies on 3 wheels and a 15 year old spare, I welcomed his fancy sports car with open arms...."
Awww, reminds me much of the divinely good man I married.

Has a fart ever had you between a rock and a hard place??


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