Thursday, May 2, 2013

Green, Green. It's Good for Your Heart. (Project Pretty Week 14 )

(Project pretty is a personal commitment to share my weekly journey of keeping my non-New-Year's-Resolution: staying fit to improve quality of life while inspiring others to do the same. Let's all jump on the endorphin wagon!)

Every time I do a few hard workouts, my left calf knot issue that showed up a couple of weeks before the half-marathon makes it's reappearance and starts threatening to debilitate me, so I've been sticking to easy stuff for a while. Lately we've really been trying to soak in the fleeting moments Spring has to offer and these little stinkers have absolutely no idea just how spoiled rotten they are.
How many other Yorkie pip-squeeks get to go on 2 hour long walks in the park with countless new smells to investigate, too many things to pee on, and have endless opportunities to lounge in the overgrown shaded Johnson grass at free will. 
How many primpy house dog owners give their fur-balls a bath and blow dry, then let them drag their bellies in skanky swamp water the very next day, all for the sake of a quick cool down? 
As much as I'd rather them wade and drink from the crystal clear creek water flowing through the park, reaching it from the sandy cliff banks poses as quite the challenge. But when there's a safe enough entrance we bounce on the chance. They're not usually as glamorous as these super convenient semi-staired-roots we found in this particular spot, but we're not picky........just love the water!!
Callie prefers to take a dip the lady like way by staying in the shallow water, re-hydrating while laying down. 
Sumo, on the other hand, is all about the action. He actually started swimming out to the floating water bottle (don't even get me started on how mad it makes me to see trash in such a beautiful place) that activated his acute hunter instinct, but soon realized he was in over his head (he's not the greatest of swimmers......) and chose to stand and whine at the bottle until it was out of sight. As much as I'd love to let them run around unleashed and explore, I'm totally afraid of what may happen if they come across a bigger animal or accidentally provoke a grumpy snake.
It only took one extended afternoon of being in the sun without sunscreen, resulting in me looking like a well done lobster with a farmer's tan, to get smart and start slathering on the goo. 'Tis the season.......
As the outdoor heat continues to rise, I've been really wanting to get the puppies back in shape to go rollerblading (I wear the roller-blades, they just run....duh). Only problem is everything in our garage is pushed against the wall and piled to the ceiling, so I couldn't find them. However, I did manage to get completely distracted and find some of our Bone Lenox Chirp China, which I totally plan on using now on a everyday basis instead of all our regular chipped dinnerware. Life's too short.......
Speaking of life, I'm working on making it a little healthier by replacing one of my wimpy meals a day with green fruit/veggie smoothies........except mine didn't turn out very green!! Apparently beets are a pretty potent ingredient!! I posses absolutely no perception of appropriate quantity measuring when preparing things for a single person, so I accidentally made enough for 10 people. And after three solid servings I'm finally getting used to the taste. Try to imagine taking a bowl of sliced fruit and placing it on the ground in your herb garden, then lean in real close and take a good smell. Fresh, sweet, but with a hint of earth, right? That's my first smoothie....strawberry banana flavored applesauce with an aftertaste of dirt. 

P.S. Did you finish the title of this post in your head with, "The more you eat, the more you fart"? I did.

Hurry, I need your most favorite ever healthy smoothie recipe. 

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I"m telling you, pineapple makes everything taste delicious!
I love our puppies so much. And u ain't too shabby either u ole wife of mine.
Your blog is way cooler than mine, I decided Im going to keep one up! But I feel so illiterate that I cant make it cool looking like yours!

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