Saturday, March 5, 2011

Don't Share Your Pee in the Pool Please!

<------Us sharing delicious fajitas with my mom at La Hacienda the Ranch
     Sharing. It's something everyone should participate in, but we don't always do it. Why? I'll be the first to admit, I don't always like to share. I'm not proud to admit that I've even hid things before to keep them to myself and squash any odds of having to share something I really loved. Today I decided to mix it up at the gym and swim instead of my usual training shenanigans. As I was working out, it became busy and all the lanes quickly became occupied and I noticed a lady standing at the end of the pool appearing as if she wanted something. Of course, out of all the people and all the lanes, she bent over to ask if I would share my lane with her. I hesitated, but decided to suck it up and give her the okay. "Why my lane?" I thought. I was directly in the center lane of the pool, and she didn't stand to one side or another to ask someone; she walked straight to the middle and asked ME. "I promise I won't splash you," she said quietly with her foreign accent. At that moment, I felt terrible for my hesitation, and during the workout I barely even noticed her presence. She finished before me and when she exited the pool, she gave me a really sweet smile and thanked me for sharing. In the end, I was glad I shared. So why do we feel the initial urge to be so sheisty instead of staying more open to giving to others? When one shares, you and the other person get a good feeling in return.....A REWARD for a good deed, go figure. Sometimes we only want to share with people we know or like, but sharing with strangers can be just as rewarding.
     On a less serious note, Patrick and I are watching a show called "Must love Cats" on Animal Planet. It’s so cute and silly and features some amazing cats. This guy goes around the country and interviews unique cats and their owners, then he plays the guitar and sings a song about the cats. I never thought I'd see anyone who loved his cats more than our friend Mike. It's very entertaining. Lucie would never do any of this stuff or let any of it be done to her for that matter. To the left is a picture I took this week of just how ridiculous Lucie really is. There's no way this could be comfortable, but she is definitely going to pretend it is. If you're wondering why there's not a plant in that pot, it's becuase Lucie murdered it with her teeth, as she does with all plants that I attempt to grow.
     So we all know what different types of physical training have in common that make them difficult: the burn, the fatigue, building up endurance. But there's something especially difficult about physical aquatic training. You can't fart and get away with it easily. Stay with me; this is serious. Picture this: you're working out hard, real hard, straining every fiber in your body, muscles on fire, focusing on keeping your heart rate under control....what's the last thing you want to have to worry about? Holding a fart in! With any other type of training in air, you can gently let it go, but in the water you're a dead giveaway. Anyone ever been to a Yoga/Pilates/AB class and have a neighbor accidentally strain too hard and release an audible one? That's hilarious to me. I'm the only one that ever seems to actually giggle out loud in the class though!  So I've decided that all pools need to gently bubble, all the time, so you can focus on your workout instead of worrying about having a visible fart. Hearing is funny, seeing is borderline gross.
     Speaking of pools, who believed their parents when they told you that if you peed in the pool it would change colors and everyone would know it was you?!?!?!? I totally believed it. How did every parent know the same lie? Maybe one day when Patrick and I become parents, we will be initiated into that club and automatically know all those "parent lies". Until then, we make up our own lies to tell our animals all the time.....and they ALWAYS believe us.



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