Thursday, February 14, 2013

See Ya on the Flip Side

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day. Whether you have someone in your life to "woo" or not, I thought this video might be know.......for your educational needs. 
Patrick and I will be spending our day driving to the Rockies, because..............
If you don't live freely when armored with the shield of youth and blinded by the cocky bliss of ignorance, I don't believe you ever will, especially once age starts yielding more caution onset by one's gradual yet inevitable increase in fragility, a vicious physical and mental consequence of this temporary existence we call life, proving time should not be taken for granted, forsaken for mundane priorities, or postponed for convenience. It must be wrestled with constantly, to make room for adventures and alluring excursions, challenging our spirits, in turn sustaining our strength to live long, if not in body at least in legacy. The mind may stay young for a century and cats may have 9 lives, but our bodies are damned to only a brief moment of youth. It must be embraced, embarked, explored, cherished as the fleeting moment it is, for there are no take-backs in time outside of fairy tales. 
We'll be MIA next week to do something we've never done before, with people we've mostly never met. Can't wait to meet this endeavor.

Share some love! And do something fun while I'm gone!


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