Believe it or not, I'd never seen a hot air balloon in real life until a couple of weeks ago.
After learning about Plano's Annual Balloon Festival a few days too late last year, I'd been counting down the months until the next one ever since. One day, I'd LOVE to take a ride in one, but for now, checking out the scene would have to suffice.
I wanted to witness the famous balloon glow and fireworks on Saturday night, but my work schedule interfered, so instead we woke up bright in early (actually it was dark and early, since it was before sunrise), to watch the rainbow colored majestic flying devices inflate and take off with the luminosity of the cotton candy clouds in the back ground, surrounded by the magically cool morning air.
A light fog covered the field in a sheet of mystery, and we patiently waited on our picnic blanket laughing at all the unnecessary personal information the announcer was commentating to the crowd to pass the time as the fiery glows in the foreground resulted in growing chromatic air filled masses.
Tiny little people worked diligently on both ends of each gentle giant, pulling on ropes and fanning hot air.
Dillon was perfectly content napping, and I would have been as happy as a clam had I known I could bring in my own breakfast and coffee.
And as the clouds cleared the area and the sun lifted into the sky, so did the balloons, one at a time, decorating the sky with pirates, and lady bugs, bulls, flowers, and quilts.
We lifted Dillon in offering, to see if one of them would take him, in exchange for a free ride, but they just kept floating further and further into the distance.
Once the show was over, all three of us were ready for a cozy bed.
We skipped all the live music and fair style food, and opted for a slumber, with sweet dreams of beautiful balloons.
Next year we'll be pro's and all the other spectators will be jealous of our picnic breakfast spread, or maybe I'll plan my schedule better and we can hit the night scene for the glow viewing, either way, I hope to be back!