Thursday, April 11, 2013

Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. (Project Pretty Week 12)

(Project pretty is a personal commitment to share my weekly journey of keeping my non-New-Year's-Resolution: staying fit to improve quality of life while inspiring others to do the same. Let's all jump on the endorphin wagon!)

After an accidental 2 week slumber (I have no idea what minute I was laying on the couch with the excuse of resting my IT band/hip flexor, and the next minute it was 2 weeks's as if I was sucked into a wind tunnel time warp) there's nothing more motivating to get my butt back in the gym than needing to work out occupational frustrations.
I couldn't even force myself to run more than 2 miles on the treadmill (probably due to my very rational fear of falling off the back, resulting in me running as close to the front of the belt as possible, like so close my belly usually hits the middle grab handle, therefore making the t.v. 4 inches away from my face......and I can't stand looking at that monitor bouncing up and down with every step I's like watching the second hand of a clock), so I had to hop on the elliptical. While I haven't figured out a way to make training on either one of those machines any more enjoyable than watching rice boil, I have concocted a simple 5 step list everyone could benefit from utilizing in their everyday lives.

1. We must remember, no one is in the occupation of Mind-Reading except Mind-Readers themselves. And even if  a person tried to get paid for such a thing, I'd be skeptical. 
2. Considering I'm about 76% positive my reading audience has all graduated from kindergarten, and about 62% confident they finished high school, then I'm 101% sure most personal, social, and professional issues can be settled without "tattling to your teachers". Things can be resolved much more efficiently and effectively with adequate communication. 
4. You are a grown-up, act like it. Unless you're some sort of freakish uncanny accident like Tom Hanks in Big or Jennifer Garner in 13 Going On 30, then I'll consider reconsidering your situation.
3. Life really isn't a popularity contest. I promise. It's more about who can eat the most chilly dogs without throwing up.
5. Don't worry about what others are doing; enjoy the life YOU live. You only get one. Unless you are a cat......if you're a cat and reading this A) WOW, you are amazing! Are there others like you? B) you probably have a few more lives left.
Source: via Kayla on Pinteres
There it is, the down and dirty truth. Now go spread the word so we can all live in harmony!!!
While your brains are warm, take a moment to read this enlightening post from a gal who's way better with words than I. I'm 87% certain it will steer your attitude in a positive direction.

Do you ever get sucked into time warps? Do you check yourself before you wreck yourself? (Because you know, playing life dirty can be bad for your health.)


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