Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Small Big World (Project Pretty Week 5)

(Project pretty is a personal commitment to share my weekly journey of keeping my non-New-Year's-Resolution: staying fit to improve quality of life while inspiring others to do the same. Let's all jump on the endorphin wagon!)

It's funny how small this very big world can be.
Stay with me here. 
There I was, stretching before yoga class began, when a lady introduced herself to me. After our conversation turned to me working night shift, she introduced me to the sweet lady responsible for keeping me in line last week, who's son is married to the first lady's daughter. The second lady kept saying how familiar I looked, and after a few minutes of me trying to convince her I just have a familiar face, she figured out why; our paths must have crossed when I worked at Medical City in the MICU, since she is a anesthesiologist there. Then as it turns out, after discussing dates, we realized her son and I also worked at Cedar's Sinai (in California) during the same time!! 
Of all the yoga studios and all the hospitals..........
I've been focusing on increasing mileage in my minimalist shoes with absolutely no heel striking and more consistent road running than ever before. Patrick says I look good now when I run.......I say, tell that to my calves and plantar muscles. They start burning around mile 3, but are slowly getting stronger. At this point, I can proudly say I'm up to 6 miles, with absolutely no IT band issues thus far in my training, and my knees are hurting less (yay!).
I ran so far the other day that I stumbled upon another park I knew nothing about (Bob Woodroff Park), and followed it for a while; it's nice to get away from all the commotion. But I should keep in mind after my next long run that going to yoga the following day to "stretch it out" might not be such a bright idea when the instructor plans to focus mainly on legs and balance. 
And then there was that time when I was taking the dogs for a quickie in the neighborhood around the time school let out, and I seriously thought some weird kid was yelling strange things at us from his house. I remembered my manners and didn't look, in fear of being rude. But on the way back home curiosity got the best of me. Turns out the situation was even more bizarre that I thought, and the "weird kid" was actually two talking squawking birds on someone's front porch!!!

What's the weirdest thing you've ever encountered while out on a run? 


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