Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Who You Callin' Short?

This kid.......
I don't even know if I have enough to say for all these pictures, but I'll try. 
What I can say is, Dillon is one LOVED baby. 
Since he's been born, there's rarely a day when there isn't someone coming to visit/hold him. 
Cousin Allison COULDN'T WAIT to get her hands on him. She basically kidnapped him for two straight days.
By the time she left, I missed him dearly, since she'd been stealing all his cuddles.
But even when it's just the two of us, it's never just the two of us. Callie is always fighting me to be as close as possible. She's on top of us at all times, licking and "consoling", or at most only a couple of feet away....
Patrick has to get his fill as soon as he gets home from work.
Dusty, who isn't as keen on infant cuddles, finally gave into the sweetness (it just took a little pushing on my behalf.....AKA basically throwing Dillon on his lap and abandoning the two of them so they could bond).
Of my closest local friends who have babies (all baby BOYS and within a year of each other in age), Dillon is the youngest, but only by a few weeks.

We're so blessed to have future play mates so close in age and excited to see how their friendships develop. 
And when it's just him and I, he refuses to have it any other way than being as close as possible while I'm doing chores.
All in all, life is good. But juggling everything over the span of a two story home comes with some mishaps.......
......Like supplies taking a tumble. Somehow, the other day, I completely lucked out when this container of milk bounced down the stairs and landed bottom down, only managing to spew a couple of ounces in the process. Dillon didn't seem to mind, he knew he'd get fed anyway.
 And somehow, through the big shift of priorities, I've still managed to keep my herb garden alive. Not only is it not fried by the summer heat, but it's flourishing!
I've never seen the bloom of a dill plant before....and I'm kind of loving it.
So there you have it; looks like I'm never short on words, just like Dillon is never short on cuddles. 

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