Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Extremities, Extremities, Everywhere in 3D!!: Week 29

It's been a pretty eventful and expensive week! 
We kicked started it by picking up the crib we ordered a couple of weeks ago and splurging on a nice mattress to go with it. We started to worry we'd have to come back with a trailer after seeing how gigantic the box was, but with a little muscle and geometric manipulation, we were able to cram it in the 4runner for the short trip home.

Excited to see how it'd look in the nursery, we didn't waste any time putting it together once we got home.......and as soon as it was done, I pulled a "me", deciding the entire room needed to be rearranged for a better flow. The great part is, I love how it all turned out in the end, and with the help of my brother, I didn't even have to lift a finger. 
After that adventure, we were all counting down the hours to being able to see what Cotton looked like on the elective 3D/4D ultrasound. The technology is new enough that our parents had never seen such a thing and were excited to make the 4 hour round trip drive just to get a sneak peak of their growing grand-baby.
With so much time and effort on the line, you can image how disappointed we were when that little stinker decided to be stubborn and interpret the word "cooperative" with completely blocking his/her face with a barricade of hands and feet.  
Before we even switched to 3D mode, the ultrasound tech advised us to not proceed and reschedule our appointment before switching to the mode we'd be charged for, hoping the baby would be positioned better on another date. Tempted to take her advice, Patrick and I decided to decline it and continue with the ultrasound. There was no way we could let our parents drive all that way for nothing!!!
After trying for a while with me in different positions, and still getting nothing but blurry extremities on the camera, the tech was sweet and patient enough to let us have a little break and see if I could make some magic happen.
Try to imagine, for a moment, 5 other people in a tiny intimately lit room, intently fixated on me with my bulging torso exposed, jumping around, squatting and kicking, performing a belly dance, coaxing words of encouragement to Cotton while pushing in different places on my abdomen. It was a bit of a freak show. We all giggled at the silliness of the situation and crossed our fingers that it actually worked. 
Even though a certain someone remained completely content in fetal position and sucking on his/her toes, we were still able to get some great facial shots after all that effort. Phew!!
And another success: no accidental crotch shots were made in the process!! But now the ultrasound tech can be added to the list of people dying to know if we're having a boy or a girl!
I may be biased, but isn't that the most beautiful little face?!?!?!?! I have a feeling I'll be watching our DVD of the session all the time, in anticipation of the day we get to meet our sweet stubborn bundle of joy.


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