Last Thursday the girls and I pampered ourselves with holiday pedicures. It's uniquely theraputic chatting and laughing over a glass of cheap complimentary wine with people I can understand, while sitting in a massage chair with your feet soaking in a warm tub and having your legs massaged. I'll take it. The red polish and snowflakes helped me get one step closer to feeling the Christmas spirit!
I found this old Walmart sack while unpacking the decorations. I forgot they used to look like this!!!
I donated a copious amount of decorations to Goodwill this week, and only kept my absolute favorite things with sentimental value. I remember putting these little mice and elves out every year with my mom, thinking they were so cool and imagining they were coming to life, like in the movie Night at the Museum.
I got White Santa all set up so he can "smell the roses" and watch T.V. . . . . .Santa's got the good life.
Since I only work 3 nights a week, and Patrick had a rare 4 days off in a row Thanksgiving week, but unfortunately I had to work every single one of them. . . . he took off work last Friday so we could spend the day together. It was part of my birthday gift, along with the tickets to How the Edge Stole Christmas Concert.
To stay in the spirit, I thought it'd be a grande idea to get the house decorated, which included going to pick out a tree together! We found the perfect tree, then bravely tied it to the top of the 4Runner with a single tiny string. We decided it would be best to drive slow!!!
We kept our eyes on it at all times, crossing our fingers that our crazy one string idea didn't haunt us. Patrick took the sunroof, and I took the side-view mirror. . . . .and the camera.
I know there are some beautiful fake tree's now days, and the prelit kind are divine at cutting the work load, but there's just something magical that is missed without the aroma of pine floating in the air for the holidays, and I think the pine scented spray is nothing short of trying to spray an aerosol canned candle in the bathroom after someone dropped a duece. Seriously.
I think Martha {Stewart} would be proud. All we need now are some gifts to place under that glistening ray of bueauty!
There are those snow flake toes garnished with fake bling diamonds! If you're gonna do it, do it right!
Turns out, a tree looks way smaller outside around a bunch of other trees, and when we brought it home, we realized how it sized up! It's huge! So we moved out the curio cabinet to make room. (Which is perfect, because my next project will be to re-do that old thing!)
After the Hobby Lobby incident, we ended up just buying a rosemary tree. The real rosemary smells amazing, and I decorated it with little vintage wooden ornaments my mom passed down to me. I love Christmas decor that reminds us of our childhood, since that's when it all seemed so magical.
Verizon Theater is a neat venue. It's fairly small, so every seat feels close.
A Day To Remember is a energetic small band that does a cute head-banging dance together in most of their songs. The music is not comparable, but when they synchronize their little dance, I can't help but think of ZZ Top. They love to throw props into the mosh-pit to get everyone fired up. Nothing says, "Lets head-bang our brains into jumbles" like toilet paper and beach balls.
I posted the video at the top of the page before. Like in the spring maybe? I was too lazy to search for the link. When I found out Awolnation AND The Naked and Famous were going to be at this mini music festival, I decided we MUST be there. So we were. Rise Against was just a bonus band, that I never thought I'd go see. The radio personalities got dressed for the occasion. I've always thought it would be fun to be a radio DJ! I think I could do it.
It snowed here last night!!!! I guess we covered the pipes just in time!
Have you decorated yet? Feeling the spirit of Christmas? How do you get in the mood?